Book Remarks

Metina is so small, she doesn’t feel anyone will notice her. However, before she knows it, Metina The Small Butterfly Book resized paintshe is helping other animals solve their problems and even saves a baby calf from the bottom of a large pit! But how? She’s so small and a butterfly on top of it!



Metina the Small Butterfly



Why The Rooster Crowed book resized paint

There is a new rooster on Henry’s farm and his job is to wake everyone up in the morning. But the rooster just won’t crow! So Henry wakes up late each morning and can’t finish his chores. And then, late one night while everyone is fast asleep, Henry’s favorite sheep climbs over a broken fence that Henry didn’t have time to fix. Henry’s little sheep unknowingly heads straight towards a wolves den! Can you help figure out why that new rooster won’t crow?

Why the Rooster Crowed



The story of Rattling Rocco captures the struggle children have when faced with an Rattling Rocco book resized paintannoying sibling or young person who just won’t listen. Patrick, a high strung prairie dog, just can’t seem to control the very curious young rat Rocco, so he invents different methods to resolve his problem which are extreme and humorous. His friend Fiona, a wise fox, fortunately settles the problem by using a much easier and more obvious solution that Patrick failed to consider. What is it?


Rattling Rocco



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